Belbin Team Building Day

A practical insightful day incorporating Belbin Team Roles theory and team building exercises

Belbin accredited facilitators will lead your team through an interactive training day which will examine how teams and individuals can work together more effectively.

Prior to this team building day, delegates will complete an online self perception inventory and invite up to 6 observers to provide their feedback too. This information will allow us to produce an individual Belbin report for each delegate.

Dr Meredith Belbin identified 9 team roles which all contribute to effective team working. We will spend some of the day exploring each team role and your facilitator will explain the strengths, allowable and non-allowable weaknesses of each role.

We will include some practical team challenges and team activities to illustrate how working to individual strengths can help produce great results for the team as a whole.

Delegates will leave this team development day understanding the preferred role they play in the team and also the preferred roles of their colleagues.

Belbin Team Building Day: Audience Belbin Team Building Day: Team roles Belbin Team Building Day: A high degree of coordination required Belbin Team Building Day: Presentation by Consultant Belbin Team Building Day: A requirement for any team

Group size From 6 upwards
Additional information
  • Can include an initial meeting with a Belbin Facilitator to discuss the day and clarify objectives and outcomes
  • On-line completion of questionnaire prior to your Belbin team away day
  • Indoor / outdoor team activities
Fees Please call 01629 690015 to discuss.